May 18 - Last LifeTeen and senior rec
June 10 Cedar Point
June 15-20 Mission Trip 1
June 29- July 4 - CYSC
July 18-20 Steubenville Conference
July 27-August 2 Mission Trip 2
January 12 LifeTeen Spring Kickoff
January 19 He is Courageous
January 26 He is persistent with Michael Assaf
February 2 He is Trustworthy With Stacy Cuba
February 9 No Life Teen
February 16 He is the End with Jason Winschel
February 23 He is powerful with Bob Lesnefsky
March 2 He is Hope with Haley Simon
March 9 TBA
March 16 TBA
March 21-23 Spring Retreat
March 30 TBA
April 6 TBA (8th grade night)
April 13 TBA (8th grade night)
April 20 (easter, no Lifeteen)
April 26 TBA (8th grade night)
May 4 TBA
May 11 (mother’s day, no Lifeteen)
May 18th, Senior Recognition, Last LifeTeen
Think about the reliable and trustworthy adults that have walked alongside you as you navigated the teenage years.
Pay it forward… JOIN US in helping to change how our young people view faith!